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Yoga with Karen

Exploring Yoga for the first time or returning to a practice, then this might be the class for you. 


Location:  The Richmond Revival, Richmond Hill, Fermoy, Co.Cork


Timetable :  Tuesday 7pm - 8.15pm  Beginners Yoga

                       Tuesday 8.30pm - 9.45pm Beginners level 1 Yoga

                       Friday morning to be decided. 


What will be covered:


There are 8 Limbs to yoga will be explored in each practice. 

To give a brief run down these are the ...

  • Yamas - External discipline

  • Niyama - self observation

  • Asana - postures or poses

  • Pranayama - breath control

  • Pratyahara - control of the senses 

  • Dharana - concentration 

  • Dhyana - meditation 

  • Samadhi - Enlightened living. 



PAYMENT:  €15 euro pay as you go

                                                     or 6 classes for €72  (free introduction)




Where possible use your own yoga mat, towel or blanket. 

Where comfortable clothes that can be layered for meditation. 

Water bottle to stay hydrated.


Online:  You will need enough space to roll out the mat.  If you do not have a mat then on a rug or using a towel is advised to support body.

Suggested props at home might be a strap or belt as well as a bolster or pillow.  Also a yoga block or books the sit on and support the spine in meditation.

Tuesday Yoga - 6 weeks

To sign up email or whatsapp 0872876081

Thursday Yoga - 8 weeks

To sign up email or whatsapp 0872876081

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